What is a Job Coach?
A job coach is someone who helps you with your career! This may include networking tips, resume reviews, discussing tips and tricks for talking to recruiters, and more!
Is Getting a Job Coach Worth It?
A job coach is a small investment to make in order to further your career. Just a couple of sessions will work wonders and might just be able to land you some leads on a job! I would say a job coach is definitely worth it if you can afford it. They know how the system work!
What Does a Job Coach do?
A lot!! They can help you narrow down what career you want to be in. If I hadn’t been coached, I never would have known that you don’t have to be an artist to get into animation! They can also help you with websites, cover letters, resumes, LinkedIn, reaching out to recruiters, and so so so much more. It’s really whatever you need. Job coaches know the in’s and out’s of the job market and how to secure jobs.
What Do You Offer?
I work in a contract field. That means that I sign a contract for a specific show or film, and once that show or film is done, I’m on the hunt for my next opportunity! This means that I’m not someone who’s been in corporate america for 30 years at the same company that gave me a pension. I’m realistic about the job market and how it works. And since I’m on a contract basis, I’m never rusty when it comes to job searching!! I’m constantly on the hunt for my next opportunity.
My focus is on entertainment like animation, film, and television. I however also have experience with helping people in ALL forms of production management roles (gaming, VFX, and marketing for example), mechanics, and retail positions, and more! I’m willing to learn about you and the kinds of positions you’re looking for. I love research!