The Artsy Elephant
Welcome to The Artsy Elephant planner! This planner is for the Second Mouse who may or may not have a couple of creative side projects going on at the moment. Have an idea? Jot it down!
What’s special about these planner pages?
For one, this planner is built for Second Mice. What is a second mouse? Well, it’s not a night owl and it is definitely not an early bird! It’s somewhere in between. These planner pages have times built for people who are productive outside of the normal working hours.
Don’t look past the daily pages, where you’ll find a daily project checklist as well as a place to jot down ideas or anything you think of throughout the day! You never know when inspiration will spark!
Have an idea? Jot it down! The second benefit of this planner page is that it comes with a page specifically for project planning. With a brainstorming section (obviously lol) since it takes a second to gather your thoughts on a project! Don’t forget to use the checklist! This handy checklist will make it SO much easier to breakdown projects into bite sized peices.